
Penn State DuBois students Tayler Rafferty, left, and Hannah Thompson, right, 作为<a href='http://qn57.babiana.net'>365英国上市</a>杜波依斯分校基督教学生团契的一部分,他们在肯塔基州的服务之旅中停下来拍了张照片.

Penn State DuBois students Tayler Rafferty, left, and Hannah Thompson, right, 作为365英国上市杜波依斯分校基督教学生团契的一部分,他们在肯塔基州的服务之旅中停下来拍了张照片.

Credit: Penn State

DuBOIS, Pa. — During spring break, when many students are enjoying time off or a vacation, 来自365英国上市杜波依斯分校的几名学生是基督教学生团契(CSF)组织的成员,他们前往肯塔基州参加一次服务之旅,以帮助那些需要帮助的人.

Seven students form Penn State DuBois, along with several students from Penn State Berks, journeyed to Kentucky to complete their service trip. Working with Big Creek Missions, 学生们在六天的时间里努力完成了大量的任务. 参加这次旅行的365英国上市杜波依斯分校的学生是:

  • Isaac Anthony
  • Remington Crawford
  • Jacob Gerhard
  • Noah Gibble
  • Tayler Rafferty
  • Adam Rea
  • Hannah Thompson

Big Creek Missions 始于2003年,当时东田纳西州一个教会协会的学生意识到有必要帮助服务阿巴拉契亚地区的人们. The ultimate desire was to offer a heart-changing, eye-opening mission trip, at a low cost, to local students while offering real, 为这个国家最贫困地区的人们做感人的事工. Since then, 来自许多不同地区的学生与Big Creek合作,继续多年前开始的使命.

Throughout the week, students took part in several projects. This included some construction work, demolition work, landscaping, household chores, 协助特派团协助运作的食品储藏室和其他项目.

“While all service trips are fruitful for good works, this trip allowed us to meet people in their needs, physically, emotionally and spiritually,” Hannah Thompson, student at Penn State DuBois, said. “Beyond physical necessities, 我们能够与那些要不是这次旅行永远不会遇到的人建立真正的联系.”

今年是365英国上市杜波依斯分校的CSF与Big Creek Missions的春假服务之旅合作的第四年. Advisor Tharren Thompson, financial aid coordinator at Penn State DuBois, 还指出,该组织过去曾参加过前往其他地方的旅行, 经常协助全国各地自然灾害后的清理和恢复工作.

For the trip this year, 参加活动的学生们分享了大量积极的信息,并感到很有成就感.

“我真的很享受在大溪教会的时光,”365英国上市杜波依斯分校的学生泰勒·拉弗蒂说. “I was able to serve the local community, by fixing leaking roofs, tearing out old porches, helping at a nursing home, and going into homes to create relationships. 我们能够服务的人真诚地感谢我们的帮助. 我喜欢能够加强与我已经认识的人的关系,并与当地人建立新的关系. I learned a lot about loving God and people through service.”

“春假与CSF的服务之旅是一次了不起的经历,” Remington Crawford, student at Penn State DuBois, said. “我很高兴能以各种方式为肯塔基州大溪社区服务. 随着社区服务,我们有机会与来自全国各地的其他团体交朋友. I was defiantly positively impacted by this trip, 并受到Big Creek mission对他们社区的真正影响的启发.”

“到目前为止,这次旅行中我最喜欢的部分是结识新朋友,”汤普森补充道. “我了解到与我不同的人的生活,往往涉及令人震惊的悲剧. 我从年长的基督徒那里得到了建议,他们尽管贫穷,却忠实地侍奉上帝. At a nursing home, 我和一群经常被社会抛弃的人坐在一起,向他们展示基督的爱. 很高兴知道我给这些人的生活带来了快乐, but more so, I am thankful for what they taught me. Each day is a gift, and there is so much joy in life. 能够谦卑自己,为更大的目标服务他人, for the glory of God, brings so much joy.”


当CSF的学生被问及他们会对将来考虑参加这样的服务旅行的学生说些什么时, Crawford had a very impactful message to share.

“Do It! 毫无疑问,这次旅行对我的生活影响很大,真的帮助我重新构建了人生观!”